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Exciting News about New Leadership and Ministry Offerings for Reproducing Churches

Jul 01, 2024

Hal Haller, New Missional Missional Strategist for Reproducing Churches

Years ago, Robert Beckman, Jason Dukes and myself started Reproducing Churches Network with the intent of gathering ministry leaders for the purpose of starting new churches and ministries for Kingdom Advancement.  We served together for six years promoting this vision through conferences, local network gatherings, and leadership development.   Hundreds of pastors, church leaders and planters were actively involved.  Then Robert, Jason and I dispersed into other leadership arenas around the country. For the past decade, Mark Weible has been holding everything together - updating the website and promoting ministry happenings. 

Recently, I resigned my job as Associate Executive Director of the Baptist Churches of New England to focus my effort on serving pastors, ministry leaders and church planters through Reproducing Churches.  For the past 30 years, I have been involved in starting churches, denominational leadership, network start-ups, and pastoral training.  Currently, I am pursuing a PH.D in Organizational Leadership.  Personally, I want to use what I have learned and am still learning to benefit others in their ministry calling.  

The focus on Reproducing Churches will be on leadership development.  In the coming months there will be a variety of offerings for those who serve as church leaders, pastors, church planters and denominational leaders.  Here are the six things Reproducing Churches will offer: Conferences, Coaching, Courses, Care, Consulting and Causes.  

Conferences will thematically focus on helping leaders engaging culture for the sake of the gospel in innovative and futuristic ways.  For example, how can AI be a useful tool for ministry impact? How do leaders engage a post Christian/pre-Christian culture?   

Courses will thematically have a missiological focus on how leaders can apply their ministry skills and passion.  Digital Courses, webinars, and in person seminars will be available.  For example, topics may include: The impact of Co-vocational Ministry through Intentional Employment, Creating Multiple Streams to Fund your Salary and Ministry, Knowing and Leveraging your Strengths for Kingdom Impact, Starting and Restarting Churches, etc.

Coaching will thematically focus on helping each leader maximize the vision God has placed in their heart to fulfill.  The benefits of our applied coaching model will help leaders learn from their past, develop a perspective for their ministry, identify their priorities, clarify their purpose, create a strategic plan, and evaluate their participation and effectiveness in their life ministry objectives.

Consulting will focus on helping a leader to craft specific ministry applications to their community context.  The goal is to help a leader, team, church to develop effectives way to strengthen the leadership of the church to reach those in their target area.

Care will focus on the well-being of pastors. For example, Reproducing Churches will highlight and financially support two ministries.  First, Shepherd’s Rest which is a 3-day customized ministry retreat for a pastors in crisis.  Secondly, Shepherd’s Help which is an ongoing confidential counseling ministry for pastors and wives.  These ministries will be offered FREE OF CHARGE.  There will not be a cost to pastors.  In addition, free soul care webinars will be available. 

Causes will focus on giving to ministries, missions and church planting.  For example, Reproducing Churches will be providing education for hundreds of children in Villa Nueva, Columbia.  Land has been purchased and the construction of the first building will be taking place shortly.  Individuals and churches can contribute or take construction teams to assist.  We will also be highlighting adoption and the opportunities to help plant new churches in New England. 

In order to accomplish the new direction for Reproducing Churches, I am and will continue to build a team of exceptional leaders who will serve you.  In the coming months, I will be introducing and highlighting new team members to you – not just through email but also through our new social media platform we hope to launch by the end of the summer when several of our offerings are in place. 

One last thing: I will also be working with Synergy Solutions (  Synergy Solutions core business is the development of entrepreneurial leadership.

Whatever way I can help you, reach out to me.  If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can help ministry leaders, let me know. 


Blessings on you,

Hal Haller,Lead Missional Strategist

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